March 29, 2011

The Day Has Come!

Charlie got his DOC Band yesterday!  So far so good, he didn't have to wear it to bed last night because we need to check every 4 hours for skin irritations.  I took the time off last night to decorate the band with designs I ordered from  He pretty much forgets that it's on after a couple minutes but he has had a few encounters with it where he tries to pull it off!  It seems like it fits a little weird, it falls down over his eyes sometimes and we're always having to straighten it out since it's a bit loose.  Tonight will be his first night with it on, wish us luck!

Not to sure about the helmet..

 Still a happy boy! 

He can still get his jump on!

The back of the helmet...

The side...

March 19, 2011

The Process Begins!

Charlie went in for his mold casting (at 5 months 2 weeks) :( I had been dreading it and was so worried I would cry harder than him!  He screamed and turned purple while we tried to calm him down, it was pretty horrible.  The good part is that it went by fast and was over before we knew it!  The pictures are sad but I must say they look worse than it really is.  It's definitely not as bad as I imagined!  The DOC Band will be here in a week.. stay tuned!

Dad holding Charlie down

SO sad :(

He managed a little smile

This is the saddest picture.. it doesn't even look like him!

Beginning pictures 44.8 cm..

Meet Charlie

This is Charlie O'Leary Gunn born on October 9, 2010.  He is the perfect baby.. always smiling and happy!  At 6 weeks Charlie began sleeping through the night (10-12 hours) in his crib.  That's when we began to notice his flat head.  The Doctor said at his 2 month appointment that it was no big deal, so we brushed it off.  In the meantime we switched Doctors and at Charlie's 4 month appointment his new Doctor did not hesitate to refer us to a specialist in Madison, WI.  The specialist found that Charlie's "flatness" was severe and recommended the DOC band.  After lots of worrying and contemplating we decided to go with it.  What's a couple of months in a helmet versus the rest of his life with a flat head?  I guess we'll find out!

Charlie at 1 week old.. such an angel!


This is Charlie's flat head.. 4 months old

Happiest boy in the world!  5 months old

Charlie with mom and dad vacationing in AZ... 5 months old